Monday, April 6, 2009


Just need to vent, so I decided to write down a couple...well maybe several things that I am friggin tired of and some things that I am totally happy with!! Lets GO!!!

* I am tired of grown people who would rather worry about what is going on in YOUR life instead of dealing with the issues in THEIRS!! "Sweep around your own front door, before you try and sweep around mine!"

* Definitely tired of people who assume that others can't change or make moves for the better after making wrong decisions or shallow and closed-minded can you get??

* I hate it when people really think they know what I'm talking about in my myspace/facebook status', when in reality it more than likely has something to do with the total OPPOSITE of whatever you think it is!

* I am tired of people who think they REALLY know me or really know what I am thinking or doing, who I associate with, who I spend my time with, who I talk to, who I date, who I sleep with (or who you think) and why I do it....FYI: There is a SMALL...very, very SMALL group of people whom I share my life with. These people and these people alone are the ones who know what's going on with me...if you have to guess then more than likely you are WRONG!! If I dont discuss it with you then stop assuming, because 10 times out of 10 you are INCORRECT! Ha...sorry...that's why I just stopped dealing with some people! If you are feeling guilty then more than likely you need to check YOURSELF!!


*I LOVE MY COOKIE MONSTER!! This little girl is the smartest most unique child I have ever come into contact with and I am soooo proud to say she is MINE!!

*I LOVE MY FRIENDS!! And I mean my TRUE, ride or die friends! The ones I can call up and tell any and everything to. The ones that I know for a fact will keep private information PRIVATE! The people who dont talk behind my back and then try to smile in my face. The ones who dont try to fool with me when it's convenient for them or if they wanna be "messy" The ones who are God-fearing, and pray for me and minister to me just as I can do to them. The friends that when my back is against the wall, no matter what the situation I know I can come to them and they wont judge me, but they will also give me their opinion and I will listen! I love those people! And they definitely know who they are!!

* I LOVE MY FAMILY!! They have to be the most supportive, caring, loving, crazy people in the world...and I wouldn't change them or trade them for anything!!

Last but not least...

*I LOVE MY LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!! The #1 man in my life!! The one person who will never leave me, let me down or give up on me! He has opened so many doors in my life and He has blessed me with so many things that I didn't deserve...I love the personal relationship that I have with Christ and if you don't have one I suggest you give Him a try! He will NEVER let you down. God has blessed me with a beautiful family, wonderful friends, an awesome and powerful church under the leadership of an awesome and powerful man! (who just so happens to be my Daddy :-) God is AWESOME and He is ABLE!! Whew! Almost went in right there!

Life is full of ups and downs, but I truly thank God for the ability to learn from my mistakes, and I thank Him for the capacity to love without restraints and to live my life without worry, because I know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose!

I love being unique! I love thinking outside of the box! I love doing things the way others DON'T!! It makes me ME!

So please continue to talk about me behind my back, make up lies and rumors, make all the assumptions your heart desires! (If it didnt come from me then more than likely its NOT true!) Because regardless I'm GOOD! No scratch that...I'm GREAT! I haven't been this happy in a long time, and it's not due to any particular situation, its due to the fact that at this point and time in my life, I have finally figured out who I am, and I have come to the clear realization of WHOSE I am!!


Peace and Blessings,
