Monday, January 5, 2009

Is "Love" enough...

Soooo here's the thing. Love...a simple four letter word. But probably one of the most complicated actions in life. I have always liked to think that love...true, real love...was always possible and I have not lost that faith.

But my question is... "Is love ever enough?"

Think about it.

You can say "I love you" until you are blue in the face but if there are no other complementing factors (such as: trust, commitment, and respect) does the phrase really matter? Or is it just something to say.

In my eyes "love" is an action word. If I cant see or feel the love the words are just that...words.

Sometimes someone has messed up the love you had to give so much, all you have left to love them with is the love of God...Agape...and once you get to that point it is damn near impossible to get back.

I resolve in 2009 not to just speak my love...but to show it more.

Some of you should try to do the same....




  1. I could not have said it better my self. That is so true.

  2. check out my blog
